Don’t buy single-use plastics
Pop a flask or reusable bottle in your bag next time you are out and about. Make this a habit and cut your weekly bottle buying altogether, stopping 52 bottles ending up in landfills and oceans. More than 2,600 plastic bottles a year would be stopped from entering our environment altogether if just 50 people packed a flask instead of buying a bottle. Small changes can make a big difference. At Magsons, all of our bags are biodegradable but you could do your part for the environment by carrying your own Magsons bag the next time you shop with us.
Shop locally, shop organically
If you have the chance, buying fresh organic food is a great way to support local farmers, reduce your carbon footprint and support nature with your food choices.
Re-use and Recycle
Reducing the amount of “stuff” you consume has the greatest benefits for the planet. It’s best to avoid waste in the first place, so think more carefully about your purchases.
Reduce your carbon footprint.
Even the smallest effort to reduce your carbon footprint can make a difference. On short journeys why not ditch the car in favor of walking or cycling, could you car share with a colleague to get to work or use public transport instead?
Inspire others
Helping to save butterflies, moths and other wildlife can be fun whether you are five or 105. Share your love of the natural world with those around you, encourage your family and friends to take part in outdoor activities. Encouraging others to see the value and beauty of nature and its wildlife may be the most important way to help save it.